Art and Design

Year 9

Project 1

Electronic Pencil Case

  • Pupils will create a textiles pencil case, incorporating an electronic circuit using smart materials. They will be introduced to textiles techniques as well as E-textiles and other smart materials.

  • Natural fibres, Synthetic fibres, E-textiles, LEDs, Embroidery, Applique, Polarity, Current

  • Ask your child to describe what E-textiles and smart materials are, and to name a few example products that they can be used in.

    Ask your child to draw the circuit diagram symbols for an LED, cell battery and switch.

Project 2

Technical Drawing

  • Students will be introduced to a range of technical drawing skills, including isometric, orthographic and 2-point perspective. Towards the end of the project, students will learn to render these drawings realistically.

  • Isometric, 1-point perspective, 2-point perspective, Orthographic, Rendering

  • Ask your child to draw the same simple object in three different drawing styles: one-point perspective, two-point perspective and isometric.

Project 3


  • Students will research sustainable design and materials, with a focus on architecture and construction. Students will use CAD processes to model their own sustainable house. Finally, they will see how emerging technologies can be used in a smart home by programming and testing their code.

  • Sustainability, CAD, CAM, 6 R’s, Environmental issues, Renewable, Non-renewable, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Smart

  • Ask your child what the 6 R’s are, and how they might be applied during the design of a product or building.

    Ask your child to name 3 renewable and 3 non-renewable energy sources.

    Ask your child what CAD stands for, and how it can help the design process.

Project 4


  • Students will continue to develop their cooking skills and knowledge of the hospitality and catering industry. They will cook dishes including swiss rolls, chocolate brownies and peri-peri chicken, following recipes independently and becoming confident in a kitchen environment.

  • Nutrition, Diet, Hospitality, Kitchen brigade, Whisking, Melting, Creaming, High risk foods

  • Ask your child to support you in the kitchen.

    Re-cook any recipes you have already cooked at school and try to improve or modify them.